School uniforms have been designed and adopted by the Duaringa State School P&C.
Our school uniform is compliant with the Sunsmart Policy and endorsed by the school’s P&C and the Education Act of 2006.
To have a uniform is one thing, to have it worn requires the cooperation of parents.
The P&C uniform shop will be open from 9.00am until 2.00pm on a Friday and other pre-organised times.
No jewellery to be worn – studs, sleepers, wrist watch, medical notification (penicillin allergy) and items of cultural or personal significance are permitted.
No nail polish or facial piercings other than ears.
Children will not be able to access the playground unless they are wearing sandshoes.
Hair should be worn so that a hat can be worn at any time and of ‘natural’ colour.
School broad brimmed hats are to be worn for all outdoor activities and they are to be brought to school daily.
Swim shirts are required for swimming lessons and ‘wet’ days and activities.